
Reliable, flexible, knowledgeable

Next-day delivery

We offer next-day delivery for orders placed by 7:15PM local time nationwide.

Full-line authorized distributor with national reach. We are VAWD accredited and source directly from the manufacturer.

Over 13,000 SKUs in stock. Our extensive inventory ensures you can get what you want when you want it.

Secure supply. As part of AmerisourceBergen, we are on the leading edge implementing DSCSA (Drug Supply Chain Security Act) requirements with manufacturers and healthcare providers.

We pride ourselves on meeting the diverse needs of your pharmacy.


Flexible Ordering

Online using our new system designed by pharmacists for pharmacists

EDI via your current pharmacy system

By phone with one of our experienced representatives.


Affordable Prices

We offer timely market insight and real-time pricing to help you make informed buying decisions.

As part of AmerisourceBergen, our sourcing scale helps bring you affordable prices.


Customized Service

Our highly experienced and dedicated team has the industry knowledge and experience to understand your business. We put our market-leading expertise to work for you to anticipate market trends and help you make informed, profitable purchasing decisions.